

IMDOS will coordinate activities to gradually increase the readiness level of the global observing system and associated data management systems, aiming for operational capacity by 2030. To achieve this aim, the following objectives have been set up, which will be elaborated further with an implementation plan:


Engagement and Coordination 

  • Advocate for the transition to a long-term, coordinated, global marine debris (MD) observing system.
  • Discover and engage with existing and proposed MD monitoring, remote sensing, and numerical modelling initiatives to propose coordination under a common framework.
  • Foster communication and synergies within the expanding MD community, and with researchers and decision-makers.
  • Advise on the development of MD information products for assessment reports for all stakeholders. 


Expertise and Guidance  

  • Provide recommendations on the design and evolution of a global MD observing system. 
  • Give guidance on assessment and harmonization of MD monitoring methodologies.
  • Promote guidelines for harmonization, standardization, and quality control of MD data towards federated and interoperable data management systems.
  • Ensure open access MD data following the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse (FAIR) principles. 


System Integration 

  • Enhance synergies between in-situ and remote sensing MD observing components for their integration through compatibility and complementarity.
  • Integrate the modelling and observing MD capabilities to enable the development of interactive virtual representations (digital twins) and observing system design.
  • Integrate citizen science and innovative MD observing initiatives. 
  • Support technological advancements and innovations to increase technical readiness levels of all MD observing elements. 
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