IMDOS Directory
The directory aims to showcase projects and initiatives that focus on marine debris observation, monitoring and forecasting.
Project name
Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences (IO PAN)
Lead organization name
Marine Debris Domain
Link to the project website
Mercator Ocean International
EMODNet Chemistry
EMODnet Chemistry provides easy access to marine chemical data, standardised, harmonised and validated data collections and data products for visualisation. These are relevant for the European marine environmental policies to assess the status and trends of ecosystems. Numerous substances are considered, most of which are invisible to the naked eye and are monitored using specialised sensors or laboratory analyses. This evidence-based information supports action against environmental changes that pose a threat to marine ecosystems and human health.
National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geo
Region of interest
Project period completed
Project period ongoing
Periodic surveys on Marine Litter including plasti
Periodic surveys on Marine Litter including plastics organized
Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Academic and research institutions, Government age
2006-04-01 -
Survey of Microplastics and Drifted Litter in Coas
Survey of Microplastics and Drifted Litter in Coastal Waters
2014-04-01 -
Survey of Microplastics and Drifted Litter in Pela
Survey of Microplastics and Drifted Litter in Pelagic Waters arround Japan
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