EUROqCHARM Final Conference was held in October 2023

31 October 2023

The EUROqCHARM Final Conference was held in Brussels at the Norwegian House on 11 and 12 October of 2023. The event aimed at:

  • Facilitate dialogue and knowledge exchange between scientists and stakeholders, including policymakers, regulators and monitoring and control bodies.
  • Promote the EUROqCHARM community for sustained harmonisation at local, national, regional and global levels.
  • Showcase the tools developed within EUROqCHARM to support quality-controlled assessments of plastic pollution.
  • Encourage further cooperation and collaboration between scientists and stakeholders.
  • Discover how EUROqCHARM’s activities can support the further implementation of harmonized plastic pollution monitoring.

IMDOS was present at the conference to help ensure the project's legacy, with a few Steering Committee members - Francois Galgani, Georg Hanke, and the project coordinator Artur Palacz who gave the presentation about IMDOS From Vision to Implementation (co-authored with Audrey Hasson).


For more information about the conference and other presentations, please visit the conference page.

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